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3.13 Spectrum points

These classes give general information of spectra data stored in the arrays of the Segment class.

class Points

The Points class has the following members:

SpectralCoord SpectralCoord
Gives information about the spectral coordinates (wavelength, frequency, etc.)

Time Time
Gives information about the time coordinates (if the SED is a time series).

Flux Flux
Gives information about the flux / flux density values.

class SpectralCoord

The SpectralCoord class has the following members:

DoubleParam Value
Gives information about the spectral coordinates. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.SpecralCoord_Value array.

SpectralCoordAccuracy Accuracy
Gives information about the accuracy of spectral coordinates. For details, see below.

class SpectralCoordAccuracy

The SpectralCoordAccuracy class has the following members:

DoubleParam BinLow
Minimum wavelength of spectral bin. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.SpecralCoord_Accuracy_BinLow array.

DoubleParam BinHigh
Maximum wavelength of spectral bin. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.SpecralCoord_Accuracy_BinHigh array.

DoubleParam BinSize
Width of spectral bin. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.SpecralCoord_Accuracy_BinSize array.

DoubleParam StatErrorLow
Absolute statistical error of the spectral coordinates. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.SpecralCoord_Accuracy_StatErrorLow array.

DoubleParam StatErrorHigh
Absolute statistical error of the spectral coordinates. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.SpecralCoord_Accuracy_StatErrorHigh array.

DoubleParam SysError
Systematic error of the spectral coordinates.

DoubleParam Resolution
Resolution of the spectral coordinates.

TextParam Calibration

class Time

The Time class has the following members:

DoubleParam Value
Gives information about the time coordinates. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Time_Value array.

TimeAccuracy Accuracy
Gives information about the accuracy of time coordinates. For details, see below

class TimeAccuracy

The TimeAccuracy class has the following members:

DoubleParam BinLow
Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Time_Accuracy_BinLow array.

DoubleParam BinHigh
Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Time_Accuracy_BinHigh array.

DoubleParam BinSize
Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Time_Accuracy_BinSize array.

DoubleParam StatErrorLow
Absolute statistical error of the time coordinates. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Time_Accuracy_StatErrorLow array.

DoubleParam StatErrorHigh
Absolute statistical error of the time coordinates. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Time_Accuracy_StatErrorHigh array.

DoubleParam SysError
Systematic error of the time coordinates.

DoubleParam Resolution
Resolution of the time coordinates.

TextParam Calibration

class Flux

The Flux class has the following members:

DoubleParam Value
Gives information about the flux / flux density values. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Flux_Value array.

FluxAccuracy Accuracy
Gives information about the accuracy of flux values. For details, see below

class FluxAccuracy

The flux accuracy has the following members:

DoubleParam StatErrLow
Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Flux_Accuracy_SysErrLow array.

DoubleParam StatErrHigh
Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Flux_Accuracy_SysErrHigh array.

DoubleParam SysErr
Systematic error of the flux values. Use only the Ucd and Unit fields of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Flux_Accuracy_BinLow array.

IntParam Quality
Use only the Ucd field of this member, values are stored in the Segment.Flux_Accuracy_Quality array.

TextParam Calibration